How does good design impact your sleep?
Did you know one of the best ways you can improve your health and build your immunity is through good night’s sleep? When it comes to sleep more isn’t always more, quality matters.
Here are some ways you can optimize your sleep through design…
- Your bedroom should be a place of refuge from everyday stresses. Watching the news, working to meet those last-minute deadlines, sorting and storing files and paying bills should all find other locations in the home for those purposes. For those finding yourselves working from home avoid connecting any workspace to your sleep space.
- Your mattress, pillows and bedding are all key to a restful sleep. They support your body, regulate your temperature and keep you comfortable while your body renews itself for another day.
- Lighting is key to helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. Choosing window coverings that block all outside light sources might be one of your best investments in your sleep. Choosing proper light sources and selecting the best bulbs for sleep are all important considerations.
- Declutter. A space that is free from the anxiety and distraction of clutter can greatly increase your ability to relax and set the mood for sleep.
- When you first open your eyes in the morning your space should make you smile and set the tone for your day. Perhaps it’s a piece of art or a photo of loved ones. Maybe its a beautiful light fixture above your bed that creates a pretty pattern on the ceiling.
Working with a professional brings more than the aesthetics of good design to the drawing board, there is also science behind the choices we make. The goal is always to improve the quality of life for the client. Sleep can be one of the often-overlooked benefits of good design. Let us help you create a restful space for optimal sleep. Contact us for more information by clicking the link below.
Having a pet that’s happy to see you in the morning is the best!!
My bedroom feels pretty zen, especially since I stopped taking my laptop to bed to “finish things up”. My first thing I see when I wake up is my dog waiting for me to wake up, lol! LOVE that.